20 Things Worse Than a Bad Run

© Uptall | Dreamstime.com

© Uptall | Dreamstime.com

Everybody knows a bad run is no picnic, especially when you’re training for a half or a full marathon and have high expectations for how you’re going to feel.

Hey, just ask Ryan Hall what it feels like. The legendary Olympic runner just announced his retirement this week at age 33 after years of battling extreme fatigue so bad that he could barely muster enough strength to run for 30 minutes at a time.

So if Ryan Hall can have a bad running day, so can we all. But even a bad running day is better than these things! So enjoy 🙂

1) Attending a meeting

2) Waiting in the carpool line

3) Going through security at the airport

4) Vacuuming

5) Mowing the lawn

6) Changing a diaper

7) Sitting in traffic

8) Shoveling snow

9) Scrubbing the toilet

10) Doing taxes

11) Listening to a conference call

12) Going to the dentist

13) Going to the DMV

14) Having a colonoscopy

15) Having a mammogram

16) Weeding

17) Taking down holiday decorations

18) Ironing

19) Calling the cable company

20) Organizing the garage

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