8 Things That’ll Make 2017 Your Best Running Year Ever

Photo courtesy Dreamstime

Now that the new year is here, it’s time to get busy. What runner doesn’t want to become faster, train harder or improve? Our sport is so great because there are so many different options, methods and areas to focus on.

Make 2017 your best year of running yet by considering one of these new year’s resolutions:

1) Stay healthy

The number one goal of all runners should be to stay healthy and injury free. If you are having a small ache or pain, take a few days off and don’t let it escalate.

Remember that taking two days off is better than taking off two months (believe me, I’ve learned this lesson the hard way several times). Make your running goal to stay healthy in 2017.

2) Try something new

Make your new year’s resolution to try something new. This could include running with a new person, running a new path or even running a new distance. Here are some ideas to spice up your running:

  • Try a new workout class such as spin, yoga or body pump.
  • Run in a new area once a week.
  • Run on a new surface: track, treadmill, grass, trail or road.
  • Run with a new group or try finding a training partner.
  • Run your favorite route backwards.

3) Run more consistently

One of the best goals you can make is to be more consistent with your running. Being more consistent will help your body get stronger and you’ll get faster. Even if you can only commit to running consistently 1-2 miles per day, that is still better than not running!

4) Stop the negative self-talk

This is one thing any runner can benefit from. Whatever level you have competed at, you have probably questioned, “Am I good enough?”

In 2017, trust your training and know you are good enough! You have worked hard for the race. Turn negative self-talk into positive. Challenge yourself and say why you are good enough versus why you aren’t.

5) Volunteer

The sport of running always needs more volunteers. No road race would be complete without volunteers. Consider making your New Year’s Resolution to volunteer at a local race.

Other volunteering options include:

  • Volunteering to help with children’s running programs
  • Volunteering at a packet pickup.
  • Never underestimate the power of volunteering for the sport.

6) Race on a new terrain

Whether you want to run your first trail race, the track or even your first road race, there are plenty of options. You will be surprised: There are a large variety of race.

Keep in mind, it’s easier to find certain types of races at different times in the year. For instance, it’s easier to find open track meets from January through June. Both road races and trail runs vary by your individual location, but they are typically run year-round.

7) Run a new distance

Maybe you want to race your first half marathon, or maybe you want to focus on the 5k. In 2017, make a resolution to try a new distance. It will spice up your training and give you something new to focus on.

8) Last but not least: Make a resolution to PR!

What runner doesn’t want to PR? A PR might be a big challenge, but make a step-by-step plan of how to conquer it.

  • Maybe your PRs are from high school or college, so make it your goal to age group PR.
  • Do you want to PR as a master?
  • PR post-college?
  • PR from the last five years?
  • PR in the furthest you’ve ever run?

PR’ing is the best accomplishment a runner can do. At the end of the day, we do want to better ourselves. And it’s a great goal for any runner – new or old.

Hollie Sick is an avid runner who’s completed more than 30 half marathons. Read her blog, or follow her on Twitter and Instagram.

2 comments… add one
  • Sheila Seas January 16, 2017, 10:15 am

    Just ran Marathon Bahamas yesterday Jan 15, 2017 and ran the half at with a time of 2:15. I was hoping to finish at 2:10. It was a great race and i’m happy with my run.
    Hope to run a few more half’s this year.

  • Kyle Kranz January 10, 2017, 9:50 am

    I’m hoping to ease up my average weekly volume this year. I ran a few more miles weekly in 2016 than in 2015 and aim to keep that trend going up!

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