Mountains all around. The race unfolds through the area known as the Helena Valley in the western part of the state, a region whose history began in 1864 during the Montana gold rush and where a mining camp early settlers named “Last Chance Gulch” is the name of one of the city center’s main streets today.
The region is also hugely popular for outdoor recreation, thanks to places like the Big Belt Mountains that overlook the city to the nearby Gates of the Mountains Wilderness, the Helena National Forest, and the Continental Divide within driving distance of the city.
Runners followed newly designed routes at the race’s 2018 running, with a new start line for the half marathon in Clancy, which lies about 12 miles south of Helena along Interstate 2.
From the starting line on Clancy Creek Road, runners will head toward the interstate and later jump on Highway 282, which they’ll follow for the next few miles as they make their way north toward Helena, home to just over 20,000 residents.
Hills and more hills. As shown in the photos below, the Governor’s Cup Half is a hilly race — while the race heads downhill gradually for the first few miles, it hits a challenging hilly stretch for miles 3 through 7, and later in the second half there’s a steep uphill at mile 11, which the organizers call “Cardiac Hill.”
You’ll meet up with those running the full marathon in the final mile of the race, which brings you into Helena for the home stretch along Last Chance Gulch, where you’ll cross the finish line next to Anchor Park.