The serene, peaceful, tree-lined roads that wind through Greensboro Country Park serve as the first couple and last couple of miles for the annual Cannonball Run Marathon, Half Marathon & 5K Run/Walk, which is set for its 17th annual running this fall.
Why the name for the race? It’s inspired no doubt by the 1981 movie The Cannonball Run that starred Burt Reynolds, Dom Deluise and Roger Moore, and was itself inspired by the infamous Cannonball Baker Sea-To-Shining-Sea Memorial Trophy Dash, a real — if not exactly legal — race that was devised by an editor for Car & Driver magazine in the early 1970s.
As legend has it, the race was run four times from the east coast to the west coast on interstate highways, largely as a protest to the stricter speed limits and traffic controls that were first introduced in those days. Runners will follow an out-and-back course that starts and finishes in Greensboro Country Park, which plays host to running and cycling events nearly year-round. The race starts on the park roads just south of the two lakes in the center of Country Park, and then heads out onto Orman Road and Lawndale Drive, the start of a long out-and-back stretch that winds through the residential neighborhoods near Lake Brandt.
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