Runners will start and finish the out-and-back course for the race at the Percy Priest Dam, which overlooks the J. Percy Priest Reservoir, about 10 miles east of downtown Nashville.
Both the full marathon and the half marathon will start together – about 75 runners crossed the finish line in the full marathon last year – and from there they’ll head onto the Greenway trail, all the way north and west into Stones River Bend Park and Heartland Park.
Once you make it into Heartland Park, you’ll hit the half-way turnaround point for the half marathon. (Those running the full marathon will continue on through Two Rivers Park and across the Cumberland River, where they’ll spend the next several miles running alongside that river.)
After they make the turn, half marathoners will make their way back along the route they’ve just run on the Stones River Greenway, all the way back to the Percy Priest Dam for the race finish.
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