The race, set against the breathtaking backdrop of the Hudson River and Palisades, unfolds at the Rockwood Hall portion of the park. Starting and concluding at this scenic spot, the single-loop courses wind through wide groomed carriage roads, offering runners an immersive experience amidst nature. Participants can expect a challenging yet rewarding course that climbs through fields, stone walls, bridges, and more, showcasing the Park Preserve’s signature features.
What sets this year apart is the exclusive use of the first and last parts of the marathon course for the half marathon, both beginning and concluding at Rockwood Hall. With no pavement and no cars on the course, runners can fully immerse themselves in the natural beauty surrounding them. The marathon, limited to 500 runners, features a nine-hour time limit, ensuring a well-paced and enjoyable experience for all. Additionally, walkers will kick off an hour before the runners, adding a unique dynamic to this year’s event. Join us for a memorable race, where every step supports the preservation of the Hudson Valley’s natural treasures.