The captivating course unfolds with the Half Marathon, consisting of two loops from Beach 94th, reaching the turnaround on 126th Street, looping to 56th Place, and concluding triumphantly back at Beach 94th. Meanwhile, the Full Marathon presents an even more ambitious challenge, encompassing four loops of the same route. The 5K offers a more compact yet equally exhilarating single loop, perfect for those seeking a shorter distance.
The Start Line and finish are positioned conveniently on 94th on the Boardwalk, creating a lively atmosphere for participants and spectators alike. Ample public parking is available in the lot on Beach 94th, ensuring a hassle-free arrival. Stay energized throughout the races with strategically placed water and Gatorade stations along the course.
As a testament to your accomplishment, each participant will receive a commemorative T-shirt and a well-deserved medal. Whether you’re conquering a half marathon, pushing the limits with a full marathon, or enjoying the spirited 5K, the Rockaway Beach event guarantees a memorable and fulfilling experience. Join the running community for a day of coastal exploration, personal triumphs, and seaside camaraderie.
Visit the race website to for past race results.