6 Ways to Run When You’re On Vacation

© Lzf | Dreamstime.com

If you are lucky to get away for vacation, it can be hard as a runner to stick to a routine if you are out of your element. Eating out and jet lag don’t help!

But there are ways to make running a bit easier on vacation if you choose to maintain your fitness or follow a training plan.

(And hey type A’s, there is also a reminder that it is okay to just step away and RELAX!)

1) Pack smart

Bring enough clothes for enough workouts. If you like to pack light and laundry is not an option, bring along soap and wash your stuff in the shower or sink. If your trip is casual, you might be able to wear some things pre-run and then get another use when you wear them again to actually run.

2) Pack smart (part 2)

Bring along things like music, a handheld bottle, gels, etc. Sometimes hauling your gear can make the routine easier. I personally get annoyed if I pack something I never used so I feel guilty if my runner gear stays in my suitcase.

3) Plan your routes

While you are researching dinner options or afternoon excursions, look at options for running routes too. Find a few possibilities so you have backup options if necessary. It isn’t the most scenic choice, but hotel treadmills can provide a safe and quick option for travelers.

4) Find time

I’m an evening runner at home. But I find myself running in the morning on vacation because it is far easier for me to squeeze out my workout before the day is started. However, on my most recent vacation, I found the best time was after our afternoon adventure, but before dinner.

5) Run for fun

Even if you are on vacation in the middle of a training cycle, spending a few days just running for fun can be a nice change and will not be a detriment to your plan. Leave your watch at home and just enjoy a few miles without any pressure.

6) Don’t

It’s okay to not run on vacation. Enjoy the break and relax with your family or friends. You won’t lose any fitness if you are gone for a week or less so sometimes it’s less stressful to just know you can step away without any repercussions.

Carissa Liebowitz has run the Boston Marathon as well as dozens of marathons and half marathons. You can follow her running adventures on StravaInstagram and her blog.

2 comments… add one
  • Shannan March 14, 2018, 2:50 pm

    Do you have any shoe recommendations for running on the beach?

    • Daryl B June 21, 2018, 12:49 pm

      Shannan, I have run on a lot of beaches, and the only thing I would say is wear some older ones that you don’t care about too much. When you get done running, wash the sand out, as it will cause a lot of wear on the interior of the shoe over time. As for traction, any shoe will do, the key is that you need to focus a little on your running stride. If you tend to “toe off” hard, you will lose some traction. If you have a smooth running stride, it is no different from running on a soft turf surface.

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