Presenting the Human Potential Running Series: The Franklin Mountains Trail Runs at Franklin Mountains State Park. This challenging mountain race unfolds in El Paso, Texas, offering a blend of culture, history, and breathtaking landscapes. Set against the Southern tip of the Rocky Mountains, the races traverse the Franklin Mountains State Park, guiding participants from the desert floor to the pinnacle of North Franklin Peak.
Experience the sunrise atop North Franklin Peak, reveling in panoramic views of mountains spanning Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and the Mexican border. The Franklins, Texas’s largest sustained mountain range, boast North Franklin Peak’s summit at 7,192 feet. The race path navigates scree fields, cliffs, and the remnants of a historic tin mining operation.
This mountainous terrain demands preparation, with inherent risks requiring runners to carry water for 6-7 miles. The race emphasizes self-sufficiency, where dropouts must occur at aid stations for a scheduled ride. Safety is paramount, with the park’s Search and Rescue team available for extractions. Join us for an unparalleled race, exploring the rugged beauty of the Franklin Mountains.