Set for its 62nd annual running in the late summer of 2024, the John & Jessie Kelley Half Marathon is one of the longest-running and most beloved races in New England, having been selected by New England Runner magazine as “race of the year” and one of the 80 best road races in the region multiple times — and it has no entry fee. (Yes, you read that right!) The fee to enter the John & Jessie Kelley Half is $0 — though entry is limited to the first 1,000 runners who sign up. The race began as a 12-mile run back in the early 1960s, when the organizers of a local athletic event known as “Schafer Day” decided to add a running portion to their slate of swimming contest at Ocean Beach Pool, followed by a fireworks show at the New London Pier. Since then, the race has grown from just 19 starters that first year — New London native John J. Kelley won the first race, a 10.5-miler — to a few hundred over the next several years, to the thousand or so who sign up for the race each year today.