The Willie McCool Memorial Run unfolds against the backdrop of the Silent Wings Museum, offering a unique setting to let your imagination soar beyond earthly confines. Willie McCool, the Pilot of the Space Shuttle Columbia (January – February 2003), a proud graduate of Lubbock’s Coronado High School (1979), and an avid runner, leaves an enduring legacy. This race serves as a tribute to his memory, aiming to inspire both seasoned and novice runners alike.
Embark on a cosmic journey with the half marathon course, leading you through outer space via the Lubbock Business Park, past the tree-lined Lubbock Country Club, and a re-entry path through the Lubbock countryside west of the airport. Your mission, whether on the Half-Marathon, 5K, or 10K course, is to navigate around the Galaxy and safely return to the Launch Pad/Finish Line at the Silent Wings Museum. As you traverse the course, you’ll discover that, according to Lubbock, the world is indeed flat.
For those eager to secure a Race T-Shirt, it’s advised to register by September 1, 2024.
In addition to celebrating the spirit of running, the event supports the Commander Willie McCool Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship, dedicated to students like Willie who exhibit academic promise and plan to major in math, science, engineering, computer science, or pre-medicine, is awarded annually to a graduating senior at Coronado High School. The recipient, a member of the top 25% of their senior class, exemplifies outstanding citizenship. West Texas Endurance proudly contributes to the Commander Willie McCool Memorial Scholarship on behalf of all participants of the Willie McCool Memorial Half Marathon, 5K, and 10K.